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Monday Morning Bible Study
Join us every Monday at 10:30 a.m. for a powerful and practical study of God's word.
Watch Previous LessonsFriday Experience
Our Friday Experience is a powerful time of worship and word. Decompress from your busy week on Fridays at 7:00 p.m.
Preview the Friday ExperienceReal Stories of Transformation

Jimmy Bryant
I met Pastor Josh at one of the lowest moments in my life. He loved me and showed me God has more for my life. I can’t think of where I’d be today if if weren’t for Pastor Josh.

Sarah Gia
I came to The Depot spiritually hungry and broken. God began to heal me, restore me, and teach me. God used Pastors Josh and Ruth to speak life into me. Now I’m able to operate in my spiritual gifts and serve the Lord wholeheartedly.

James Caldwell
I’m grateful for The Depot and Josh Willis. Growing up in church I knew of God, but now I know God. We have a personal relationship, and I’m continuing to grow spiritually everyday.